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The American Society of Indian Engineers and Architect (ASIE) was founded in Houston, Texas, USA in 1994. It was incorporated and registered as a non-profit organization on 15th August, 1994 with the Office of the Secretary of State of Texas by three members Hasmukh H. Doshi, Kirti J. Sanghani and Navin Sheth, who were part of the first Executive Committee (Board) in 1994 with Hasmukh H. Doshi being the first President. The goal was to assist in securing employment place and advance professionally in the respective fields. Vision was to expand and provide benefits of the experienced and well established present generation to the new young and dynamic generation of the future.


A formal Constitution was adopted on 17th August, 1994 and the Bylaws were adopted on 15th February, 1995 after a series of discussions in monthly meetings. Current logo of ASIE was adopted in 1999 and has been modified recently (2015).


ASIE participated in celebrating India’s 50th Independence Day on September 6, 1997 at the Southwest Hilton Hotel as ASIE Day under the leadership of Krishna Vavilala as President. The Day included an afternoon presentation of India’s space technology and panel discussions on topics e.g. hiring trends, hiring employability and employees rights. There were exhibits highlighting ancient India’s contribution to the scientific fields such as mathematics, botany and metallurgy. At evening Gala dinner thought provoking speech by University of Houston professor and host of “Engines of Our Ingenuity” radio program, John Lienhard on “An Outsider’s reflections of India’s contributions to science and technology”. Indian Consul General J. N. Mishra while addressing the audience congratulated ASIE for its successes and extolled India’s progress as well “India’s is the sixth largest industrial nation with educational institutions producing more than 200,000 engineers and science graduates every year”.


A Scholarship program was initiated in 1998 with three sponsors, Vinmar International, Ratnala & Bahl and Geotest Engineering, who pledged funding for three years. Also a program was initiated in 1998 for ASIE to participate in Science and engineering Fair of Houston by sponsoring as Special Awarding Agency, to give awards to Junior, Ninth and Senior class students in Engineering Category projects. Also a program was initiated to participate in Mathcounts Competition, sponsored by National Society of Professional Engineers, that encourages 7th and 8th grade students to compete in math competition at local level and then to state and eventually to national level. Also a program was initiated for its members to honor Young Engineer for their achievements and to further nominate their names for selection as Young Engineer of the Year of Greater Houston by Houston Engineering and Scientific Society. These programs have been continuously successful.


ASIE held its 2nd Gala on 25th September, 1999 and 3rd Gala on 20th April, 2002 at Conrad Hilton Hotel, University of Houston with Mayor Lee P. Brown and County Judge Robert Eckels, as chief guests respectively. ASIE also celebrated its 15th Anniversary on 25th September, 2009 at Hilton Hotel, University of Houston with Consul General of India, Sanjeev Arora and 20th Anniversary on 24th September, 2014 at Hilton Houston Post Oak, Houston Harris county Judge, Ed Emmett, Chief Guests respectively with wide participation from the engineering community in Houston. Funds raised from these galas are used for providing scholarships to students enrolled in local universities in engineering and architectural fields. As part of the honoring achievements of engineering professionals from its members, ASIE started a new program “ASIE Class”. As part of this initiative ASIE honored eleven of its seniors members for their illustrious careers, accomplishments, ingenuity, entrepreneurships and contributions to the Indo-American Society and the society as a whole at a special function on June 14th, 2013. Continuing with its tradition, five prominent engineers and architects were recognized at its Gala on 24th September 2014. As part of its ongoing efforts to expand its mission, the Constitution and Bylaws were revised to include Board of Advisors in 2009 (in 2014 changed to Council of Advisors) to assist the Board of Directors in developing and promoting programs that will strengthen the advancement of ASIE’s objectives and ensure the continuity of the programs once started. In 2014 ASIE members voted to change the name to “American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects, Inc. (ASIE) to better represent the Indian architects.


ASIE’s vision has now expanded to facilitate for its members a platform for networking, performing community service, recognize outstanding achievements of its members in particular and Indian engineering and architectural community in Houston area, partner with other professional and social organizations to make a difference in the society we live in.

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